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Thrift Shop Hours

The Thrift Shop is open on the following days and times:


Monday - Saturday  from 10:00 AM till 2:00 PM

Call 941-729-1411 with questions for the thrift store


Monthly FUMC potlucks after the service on 

the last Sunday of the month



Bible Study takes place at 6:00 PM Wednesday evenings in the

Fellowship Hall.





Get to Know Us

Come visit us for worship on Sunday mornings at 10:30 AM!

Christmas Eve services

10:30 AM Lessons & Carols
5:00 PM Service and Candelight

First United Methodist Church Palmetto

330 Eleventh Avenue W (at the corner of 4th Street & 11th Ave)

Palmetto, Florida 34221


Telephone:  941.722.1812




Pastor:  Reverend Steve Rasmussen

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