First United Methodist Church
Palmetto, Florida
Supporting our church is easier than ever now that e-Giving is here!
We are so grateful for your ongoing support of First United Methodist Church and our missions.
While we are always pleased to accept your personal checks or cash contributions, we have recently adopted an excellent online eGiving service to make it much easier for members and friends to give without even leaving home.
Welcome to eGiving Plus!
Our online eGiving Service, Vanco, now provides a simple way for you to give, even when you're unable to attend church or prefer not to leave home. This service is safe and secure, and it allows you to designate your contribution to the church funds of your choice.
There are THREE e-Giving options:
1. MOBILE APP: Download the Vanco Mobile App from the App Store or from Google Play. When you have the Vanco App, enter the church's name and follow the rest of the set up directions.
2. WEBPAY LINK: Click on this link, or copy and paste it into your browser: wWsk24ZWJSTZKsGd1RMKlg0BDvsSG3VIWQCPJNNxD8upkiY7JlDavDsozUE7KG0nFx2NSo8LdUKGuGuF396vbeAnSgCdzfasK_BqGyt7Fl8iYnTg5dP4O6rpX5QvPEWlBhHDN59kLZFffwKfYERpQhVoZXTXGERtHbYqp5iYY_U=&ver=3
3. TEXT GIVING: On the To: line, enter the following phone number (exactly as shown): 833-559-0766. Where you normally type your message, simply type in 01 and hit send. Instructions for donating will pop up.
If you have any questions regarding any of these options, please email Lucinda Hart, our Church Treasurer, at or call during Church Office hours at 941.722.1812 (Mon-Thurs 8:30 AM to 2:00 PM; closed for lunch from 12:30 PM to 1:00 PM).