First United Methodist Church
Palmetto, Florida
Where To Find Us:
Our church is located at:
330 Eleventh Avenue West
Palmetto, FL 34221
On the Southeast corner of 4th St and Eleventh Avenue W
The entrance to the parking lot is on Eleventh Avenue, right behind the church. There is an entrance to the church directly from the parking lot.
Accessibility: The church entrance from the parking lot is wheelchair accessible and there is an elevator available to reach the Sanctuary. Restrooms are on the main level and are accessible.
How to Reach Us:
Monday through Thursday, 8:30 AM to 2:00 PM (closed for lunch 12:00 PM to 12:30 PM)
PHONE: Church Office 941.722.1812 Thrift Shop: 941.729.1411 (see MISSIONS page
for current hours)
EMAIL: fumcpalmetto@yahoo.com Website: fumcpalmetto.org